Danuza Aquino
Licensed Family Therapist (M.Ed., UMass) • Holistic Medicine Practitioner (Brennan Healing Sciences®) • Life Coach • Licensed Massage Therapist • Reiki Master • Meditation Facilitator • Fitness Trainer (BS, Physical Education) • Author • Motivational Speaker
Danuza possesses a lifelong dedication and commitment to bring unconditional love and healing to the darkest and most wounded places in ourselves and in the world. She works with individuals, couples, families, groups, and organizations. She is available for private and group sessions; individual, couples, and family therapy; retreats, seminars, and workshops; TV, web, and radio appearances; and community service.
Her work is based in a personal spiritual and scientific philosophy that she is continuously developing. At its core is a focus on self-awareness and the healing of destructive patterns in order to create new and more fulfilling connections to self, other, and the divine. Her heart's desire is to bring all beings to a place of enlightened self-love.
Therapies for Wellbeing
Danuza specializes in empowering individuals who are suffering to love and accept themselves unconditionally, while equipping them with healing tools in order to move beyond past traumas and to live with greater awareness and intention. She possesses an unusual strength in working with couples, families, and groups in situations of conflict, and has helped many couples on the brink of divorce to find new balance and harmony in their relationships. Presently, she is working to develop networks to shed light on the unconscious mechanisms that create disharmony and disease.
She utilizes a number of modalities - energy healing, psychotherapy, life coaching, spiritual counseling, therapeutic massage, meditation, prayer, and home healings, among others - to support emotional, mental, physical and spiritual healing through a variety of circumstances:
- Individuals and groups suffering low self-esteem, self-hatred, anxiety and depression, addictions, self-harming and other compulsive or maladaptive behaviors
- Individuals seeking spiritual guidance in navigating life transitions or who are feeling “stuck” in one or more areas of life (often this work can be accomplished in a single counseling session!)
- Victims of abuse (emotional, physical, and sexual) and trauma and their families
- Individuals and groups recovering from grief and loss, acts of terror, natural disasters, and other disruptions
- Individuals and groups suffering from autoimmune diseases, chronic illnesses, chronic pain, cancer, and other physical ailments
- Couples and families in crisis
While Danuza specializes in working with individuals in physical or psychic pain, everyone seeking greater health and vitality or a deeper connection to the divine can benefit from this work. Book your session today!
Other Services
- Consulting services for community organizations, immigrant organizations, and other advocacy groups, as well as for other professionals and therapists, in particular around issues pertaining to immigrant communities (particularly Brazilian), diversity, and cultural sensitivity
- Ceremonies, meditations, and prayers to bring peace and justice to communities and regions in conflict
- Workshops for large companies seeking to create happier and healthier workplaces
- Meditations, workshops, and retreats for the community at large
Read Danuza's book!
Tired of Being Nobody - A Journey to Self-realization and Making Peace with Inner Voices
Do you understand how negative voices are formed and influence your choices in life? This book will help readers understand and transform those voices helping to create more prosperity, health and love in life. It is a guide to healing low self-esteem and living a life that is more fulfilling and full of happiness!