I observe and believe that you need two opposing motivations to move you forward in life: one negative enough to make you fight or flee and another positive enough to make you fly and flow!
The law of aerodynamics identifies four forces necessary for flight to happen: LIFT, WEIGHT, THRUST, and DRAG.
Lift is the upward force, counteracting the effects of weight, which is the downward force. It must be greater or equal to the weight if the craft is to fly. But flight is not possible without weight!
Thrust is the forward force, which must be greater or equal to the effects of drag, which holds the aircraft back. As the aircraft is propelled forward by the engine's thrust, drag provides resistance in the opposite direction.
I find this notion of the four forces - upward, downward, forward, backward - very helpful! It allows me to appreciate those people and situations that provide WEIGHT and DRAG in my life, because I need them to move forward!